don't know where to start from!i'm putting an end to my posts and wouldn be writing ny more bloggin.however,lemonade ,om, maze n but ofcrse sharan n ankit.....thanks guys,you guys rock.
p.s. im not sad or depressed.its just that everythin eventually does cum to an end even if youre holding on to it in yer heart,reality screams"its al over"n i really want to let go...i have a lot in my life that's calling me n i need to set myself free..
Monday, February 12, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
this is who iam
everyone in their lives at one point or the other comes across something or the other that they think was destined for them to reach in a certain way,as if a movie was made just because you had to watch it or a song was sung only because u were destined to relate to it or a book cover that reflected your drem....n it leaves behind this feeling of sumthin inexplicably sweet,almost like the flavour of sweet tamarind that lingers after u've tasted it.
so here's the prolouge to "me"
1.) Shall We Dance Soundtrack - Peter Gabriel - Book of Love--if you haven't heard this one,you ought to n if u're the sorts who have ever come close to finding a soulmate or well,incase you want to know what love is,this is a song everyone's got to hear or elseyoure missing out on somethin maganamously "larger than life" n the irony is its got the most simple lyrics that exhuberate beauty.
2.)Runaway bride--when i saw this movie for the first time,i was almost embarrassed watching a mock of my own life being impeccably potrayed with each detail being highlighted.When the man in the movie exclaims to the girl he's in love with saying that she herself didnt know who she was n wasn't even sure how she liked to have eggs because with every man that she dated ,she had a different life,a different role n to a certain extent a different character,that entire scene makes SO MUCH FREAKING SENSE.Its funny how when a relationship starts initially you always tend to think it'll last forever n its what you always wanted n that there would be no looking back,unfortunately you stand corrected each time untill you do find that perfect someone who doesn need a dancer or an intellectual or a shy suble girl next door or anything that "defines" you...all he wants is you...
3.)This a paticular dialogue in becker which was apparantly supposed to be a hilareous remark meant to make people laugh stirred up a food for thought in me...
"suddenly nowadays sex is more of an olympic sport or something where what counts is the performance n how good you are while doing it all.Aren't things like your feelings good enough?"
i'd been thinking about this for long before i heard this statement(cant remember it precisely ,but it was broadly on these lines)sadly,as i have now come to beleive the three letter word isn't anymore anything close to sacred.i always beleived that physical intimacy is an endorsement on how you feel for someone.however,for past few months i came across people who delireously get involved with just about anyone n things like emotions don't matter.there are married people,singles both men and women desperate to just get into each other's pants n what's even more sad is that its no more considered wrong,i don't say its unethical or morally's a personal prerogative but isn't it sad that women (most of em')prefer men ready to comply with "no strings attached"deal over men who'd want to marry them and settle down...isn't it sad when relationships don't start with emotional bonding but with pure lust and then if that turns out to be good there's scope for emotions to take over and suddenly oh the couple's in love!!
anyway,so witnessing al this,gettin perturbed to see that kids these days are no longer kids evey 15 yr old wants to flaunt his/her sex appeal propagating how they think long term relationships are uncool watching people say "we're going out and i really love her,but sheeesh! marriage with her!!kidding me??".i thought propbably i was just some orthodox sad loser female who was sticking to thing of the past clinging on to a hope that things like soulmates n perfect relationships exist and who was "uncool"and "narrow minded" beyond limits..however,after hearing becker i'm sure there's atleast someone who thinks like me.even if its just that script writer.m not stupid the present day scenario is rather sad.i don't need to grow up or broaden my mindset huh!!people need to wake up and stop playing around with their dignity,everyone's worth love,so rather than finding good meat wherever you can knowing its not what you will last with al your life,get your lazy ass up n about n find someone to love you..hehe now m happy....
4.)Elvis presley-You were always on my mind--this song makes me cry!literally.
5.)Ally mc beal--ok besides julia robert in runaway bride this is the character i relate to the most.i fumble,stumble,giggle,trip over and fall,sing in my mind,halucinate about choping my lecturar's head....damn!that's me...lost and clueless but i know where i come from.
list shall be contdd...a lil later!m exhausted
so here's the prolouge to "me"
1.) Shall We Dance Soundtrack - Peter Gabriel - Book of Love--if you haven't heard this one,you ought to n if u're the sorts who have ever come close to finding a soulmate or well,incase you want to know what love is,this is a song everyone's got to hear or elseyoure missing out on somethin maganamously "larger than life" n the irony is its got the most simple lyrics that exhuberate beauty.
2.)Runaway bride--when i saw this movie for the first time,i was almost embarrassed watching a mock of my own life being impeccably potrayed with each detail being highlighted.When the man in the movie exclaims to the girl he's in love with saying that she herself didnt know who she was n wasn't even sure how she liked to have eggs because with every man that she dated ,she had a different life,a different role n to a certain extent a different character,that entire scene makes SO MUCH FREAKING SENSE.Its funny how when a relationship starts initially you always tend to think it'll last forever n its what you always wanted n that there would be no looking back,unfortunately you stand corrected each time untill you do find that perfect someone who doesn need a dancer or an intellectual or a shy suble girl next door or anything that "defines" you...all he wants is you...
3.)This a paticular dialogue in becker which was apparantly supposed to be a hilareous remark meant to make people laugh stirred up a food for thought in me...
"suddenly nowadays sex is more of an olympic sport or something where what counts is the performance n how good you are while doing it all.Aren't things like your feelings good enough?"
i'd been thinking about this for long before i heard this statement(cant remember it precisely ,but it was broadly on these lines)sadly,as i have now come to beleive the three letter word isn't anymore anything close to sacred.i always beleived that physical intimacy is an endorsement on how you feel for someone.however,for past few months i came across people who delireously get involved with just about anyone n things like emotions don't matter.there are married people,singles both men and women desperate to just get into each other's pants n what's even more sad is that its no more considered wrong,i don't say its unethical or morally's a personal prerogative but isn't it sad that women (most of em')prefer men ready to comply with "no strings attached"deal over men who'd want to marry them and settle down...isn't it sad when relationships don't start with emotional bonding but with pure lust and then if that turns out to be good there's scope for emotions to take over and suddenly oh the couple's in love!!
anyway,so witnessing al this,gettin perturbed to see that kids these days are no longer kids evey 15 yr old wants to flaunt his/her sex appeal propagating how they think long term relationships are uncool watching people say "we're going out and i really love her,but sheeesh! marriage with her!!kidding me??".i thought propbably i was just some orthodox sad loser female who was sticking to thing of the past clinging on to a hope that things like soulmates n perfect relationships exist and who was "uncool"and "narrow minded" beyond limits..however,after hearing becker i'm sure there's atleast someone who thinks like me.even if its just that script writer.m not stupid the present day scenario is rather sad.i don't need to grow up or broaden my mindset huh!!people need to wake up and stop playing around with their dignity,everyone's worth love,so rather than finding good meat wherever you can knowing its not what you will last with al your life,get your lazy ass up n about n find someone to love you..hehe now m happy....
4.)Elvis presley-You were always on my mind--this song makes me cry!literally.
5.)Ally mc beal--ok besides julia robert in runaway bride this is the character i relate to the most.i fumble,stumble,giggle,trip over and fall,sing in my mind,halucinate about choping my lecturar's head....damn!that's me...lost and clueless but i know where i come from.
list shall be contdd...a lil later!m exhausted
Friday, January 12, 2007
i just figured that wearing bright colours in winters makes you feel less gloomy n tends to cheer you up ....seriously,i wore this brrrright orage pullover to college today n among al the blues n blacks n greys n browns i felt like such a dynamic bomb!!(no,alas!!not the sexy kinda bomb,but nevertheless...)i felt like an orange bar icecream but that too had its charm....colours reflect our moods ,personality n just abt everythin that we are.n i felt like a happy kid today venturing out in the park on my own.errrr doesn sound very gud while putting it up in the post but trust me it felt gud.
cheers to colours..
cheers to colours..
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
angels -december

This is one of my fav.,made it long bak in dec 2006....just incase ure wonderin y the boy angel has no genitals ahen ahem!well initially i was generous ebuff to gift him his assets but then i just cudn get it right,so i very diplomatically like most of our indian artists placed a leaf over the joint between the two legs ,but t that just luked way too cliche' i just stuck to "no genitals "at last atleastthis aint cliche'.....n becuz of the scannin problems the whle sketch wasn displayed(ugh!)
Thursday, December 21, 2006
i hate one point of time i used to relate rain to beauty,today i only think of it in terms of dirty roads,mosquitoes n well cold...yes,i still love winters and somehow i love feeling cold,its the only way to know I'm not immune to feeling..but now as i walk thru a shady horizon that while awaiting me long back looked sparkling even the cold has a tinge of bitterness,its not sweet much like how we relish beer rather than candies as we grow.I've learnt to savour the taste of this bitterness,im cozy but not sure if I'm happy...
am i mature?no longer a kid !! or have i simply become cynical n frustrated like one of those females i usually used to laugh at...or have i lost my soul sum where ,or maybe its just dormant,sleeping,hibernating for a while...
on a lighter note however,listening to "you were always on my mind" by Elvis Presley still does wriggle something inside me...watching my neighbours 3 yr ol daughter call me by my name does fill me with pride n love..(I'm one of the few didi's she's comfortable n familiar with,at least kids still love me n damn!i love al those brats!) n yeah hearing that deepti's making a cake just for me kinda makes me want to cry at times(which hasn happened fer long now,hope she gets the msg) n ofcrse seeing those 11 digits flash along with "calling" on my cell does make me smile...
so it aint al that bad...i do have that slight potential to breathe...
am i mature?no longer a kid !! or have i simply become cynical n frustrated like one of those females i usually used to laugh at...or have i lost my soul sum where ,or maybe its just dormant,sleeping,hibernating for a while...
on a lighter note however,listening to "you were always on my mind" by Elvis Presley still does wriggle something inside me...watching my neighbours 3 yr ol daughter call me by my name does fill me with pride n love..(I'm one of the few didi's she's comfortable n familiar with,at least kids still love me n damn!i love al those brats!) n yeah hearing that deepti's making a cake just for me kinda makes me want to cry at times(which hasn happened fer long now,hope she gets the msg) n ofcrse seeing those 11 digits flash along with "calling" on my cell does make me smile...
so it aint al that bad...i do have that slight potential to breathe...
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Does it really matter..
I'm only older by another walk in the rain
kinds that we had when i understood you
All by myself,I tell myself I still love pink
When all I see is your footsteps being washed way
I hate rain now n yet I'm here walking bare feet on the wet grass
I hate to beg u for one look n yet I'm walking to your doorstep
I peep in n see u dancing to the untuned guitar
You're smiling with the wine glass in yer pretty hands
They're wearing diamonds n silk that shines
N all I bear on my skin are the scars
But I think they're prettier till
They 're the only memory I have of yours
I long to hate you ,hoping the ashes fly away
Of each burnt love song you wrote me
But just as they start to whisper I run..
I run frantically behind the ashes I see
You see me outside your mansion,
N u step towards the mess u see..
Why ?why do u tell me my lips are pink
Why?why do I believe you,knowing they never were
You hold my hand n dance with me in the rain
Hiding me from the rest of the world
You open your mouth to say something
N I smell the expensive wine realising my filth..
Just then,someone calls you from the cacophony u call music
You say I mean the world to you but still im left waiting outside
Until of course rain drowns me down
Cuz u never come out again you're just ashamed,aren't you?
Becuz u know u lied wen u talked abt the pink in my lips..
Becuz I was never pretty to you,because youre wat pretty is!
And as I drown I no long no more to hate you really doesnt matter..
I'm only older by another walk in the rain
kinds that we had when i understood you
All by myself,I tell myself I still love pink
When all I see is your footsteps being washed way
I hate rain now n yet I'm here walking bare feet on the wet grass
I hate to beg u for one look n yet I'm walking to your doorstep
I peep in n see u dancing to the untuned guitar
You're smiling with the wine glass in yer pretty hands
They're wearing diamonds n silk that shines
N all I bear on my skin are the scars
But I think they're prettier till
They 're the only memory I have of yours
I long to hate you ,hoping the ashes fly away
Of each burnt love song you wrote me
But just as they start to whisper I run..
I run frantically behind the ashes I see
You see me outside your mansion,
N u step towards the mess u see..
Why ?why do u tell me my lips are pink
Why?why do I believe you,knowing they never were
You hold my hand n dance with me in the rain
Hiding me from the rest of the world
You open your mouth to say something
N I smell the expensive wine realising my filth..
Just then,someone calls you from the cacophony u call music
You say I mean the world to you but still im left waiting outside
Until of course rain drowns me down
Cuz u never come out again you're just ashamed,aren't you?
Becuz u know u lied wen u talked abt the pink in my lips..
Becuz I was never pretty to you,because youre wat pretty is!
And as I drown I no long no more to hate you really doesnt matter..
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